Krishnakant Patel

Full name: Krishnakant Ramabhai Patel
Born: 16th October 1927, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Died: 12th April 1988, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Batting: Right-hand batsman
Bowling: Leg-break and googly
Relations: Brother: BR Patel; Brother: MR Patel; Nephew: BP Patel
Teams: Mysore (Main FC: 1949/50-1958/59); Hyderabad (India) (Main FC: 1951/52-1954/55)
First-Class Career Batting and Fielding (1949/50-1958/59)
Overall M I NO Runs HS Ave 100 50 Ct
10 15 3 285 54* 23.75 0 2 5
First-Class Career Bowling (1949/50-1958/59)
Overall Balls Mdns Runs Wkts BB Ave 5wI 10wM SRate Econ
707 4 478 9 3-38 53.11 0 0 78.55 4.05